QNX Realtime Platform Released

QNX has sent word that QNX's Realtime Platform or RTP has been released and is ready for download from http://get.qnx.com/. The official date of launch will be tomorrow, at the "embedded show" in California. Look forward to lots more details tomorrow. For now go ahead and pick up your copy. You can download a self-installing exe file for Windows (24M) or a CD-ROM image (91M).
Red Hat 7 Released

All you Red Hat lovers can get a copy of the latest release from these North Carolinians, as version 7 was released to the public today and is available from RedHat's FTP. The new version features enhanced security, and an increase on the ease of use side of this fledgling OS that has taken the computer industry by storm.
With optimized software for higher-end Intel chips and increased 3D support, along with dozens of new enterprise-ready applications, RedHat hopes to extend its lead as the most powerful and widely used open source server environment in the world.
Microsoft Releases HFCheck for IIS 5.0

This link is not working on Microsoft’s server's they have been notified
Scott Culp of Microsoft sends word that Microsoft has just released a tool to help administrators "ensure that their servers are up to date on all IIS 5.0 security patches."
The new tool, dubbed HFCheck is now available for download here. It works by comparing the IIS 5.0 patches currently installed on the target server with a database of available ones, and informing the administrator of patches that they may have missed or should install.
PHP 4.0.2 Released

Well for those of you following PHP; the opensource, free, alternative to ASP and other such technologies, version 4.0.2 was released today. It is described as mostly a bug and feature fix, and a lot of them at that. It is recommended that you upgrade, but it is not vital that you do so. Read on to see a full list of fixes and some new functionality, or download it here.
Here is a full list of changes:
Napster + AIM = MP3s?

Well yet another Napster-like program has sprouted up, this time merging Aim with Napster to get AIMster. The recently launched AIMster allows for swapping of files only with your "buddies," and uses GNUtella's technology to do the actual swapping. AIMster uses AOL's instant messaging service to get the IP address and the files available from your other buddies computer's. This allows for searching ability and the confidence that only people on your list know what you have.
As AIMster uses GNUtella's technology it does not currently support "tunneling" of firewalls, though developers promise a tunneling version to be released by the end of the month.
Judge Orders Hearing on FBI's Carnivore

A Federal judge today ordered an emergency hearing set for tomorrow, on the EPIC (The Electronic Privacy Information Center) request for the immediate release of information on the so-called "Carnivore" e-mail surveillance tool, recently introduced by the FBI.
The EPIC accused the FBI and the JoD of disregarding the law by failing to act on a request for quick processing of a Freedom of Information Act inquiry about the new FBI system.
FreeBSD 4.1-RELEASE Now Available

The 4.1-RELEASE of FreeBSD is now available for i386 and alpha in "FTP installable" form, and can be installed directly over the net using the boot floppies or copied to a local NFS/ftp server. ISO images will also be provided August 1st. Following the release of FreeBSD 4.0 in March, 2000, many bugs were fixed, important security issues dealt with, and quite a few new features added. Please see the release notes for more information.
New AIM, With AIM Phone

FileRogue To Extend Beta Test

Just got word form the people over at FileRogue, an 'Advanced File Sharing Program' they are extending their Beta test from 1,000 to 10,000 users due to all of your requests. So if you haven't yet, stop by to register.
Netscape Communicator 4.74

Netscape Communicator 4.74 has been released, you can go get it for Windows, Linux, or FreeBSD. In 4.74, support for Macromedia Flash Player 4.0 is now available for Linux and Solaris, also Winamp v 2.6 and RealPlayer 7 have been included. Support for the Linux 2.2 kernel and Stuffit Expander v5.5 (Mac OS) have been added, as well as a number of bug fixes. Read the release notes here.
Media Player 7 Encoder Beta

On the heels of the release of windows Media Player 7, you can also download the Beta for Windows Media Player 7 Encoder. The new encoder features near VHS quality at 400k and near DVD at 700k, and all around better encoding at modem rates. Check out the webpage here. And check out the SDK here.
Here’s a snip from Microsoft:
Japan: Linux is O.K.!

A group of Japanese electronics corporations called the Japan Embedded Linux Consortium has banded together in hopes of developing a Linux-based OS for such things as electronic appliances, cell phones and car navigation systems. The group, which includes members from Toshiba, Sony, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, and Canon hopes to make Linux the standard for imbedded devices. This comes on the heels of the announcement of Microsoft’s .NET strategy to bring "the same rich content to all devices," in this case via Windows Embedded addition(s). Could his hurt Microsoft’s new strategy?
EDITORAL: A Quick Look at .NET

EDITORAL: Microsoft President Steve Ballmer spoke to reporters after his speech yesterday at Comdex Canada. He stressed a number of issues, most notably that Microsoft’s new .NET strategy was not a ploy to control the internet as they do the PC market. “I don't think anybody can dominate the Internet, I might also argue that nobody really dominates the PC market, but I don't want to get back into that view of history,” Ballmer said in remarks after his speech.
As for me I’m still confused as to what “.NET” exactly is. On the surface it seems more of a hassle to me, personally I would rather just have either more free software, but that’s not the issue, so let’s look at what Bill (Gates of course) has weighed in on the subject.
In remarks to developers today at the Professional Developers Conference (PDC) 2000, Bill Gates said:
"The transition to .NET is as dramatic a transition as the move from MS-DOSĀ® to Windows, developers are crucial to this effort because they will build the solutions that usher in a new era of truly distributed computing on the Internet."
“Era of truly distributed computing on the internet” what, huh?
Okay before we tackle that, let’s look at an ‘about’ on “.NET” straight from Microsoft:
The Microsoft .NET Platform, announced June 22 at Forum 2000, is Microsoft's initiative for creating the next generation of software, which melds computing and communications in a revolutionary way. This vision offers developers, businesses and consumers the ability to harness technology on their terms and the tools they need to create truly distributed Web Services making information available any time, any place and on any device.
DB2 Version 7 Offically Released

IBM formally released DB2 Universal database version 7 today in hopes of competing with the likes of Oracle, Sybase, and Informix. DB2 7.0 now supports XML as well as a slew of other improvements.
DB2 version 7 features a number of new technologies including data warehousing and OLAP (online analytical processing) capabilities as well as “in-memory technology” that will accelerate Internet searches by a factor of 10, according to IBM.
File Rogue Open Beta

Yet another file sharing program is about to officially hit beta, File Rogue is now accepting
registration for its open beta test beginning on August 1st. File rogue allows users to share any file type with users from around the net, and boasts of many more features over other file sharing programs. Sign up here or visit FileRogue.com for more info.
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