Justin Jenkins

NetCaptor 6.03 Beta 2 Released

A new Beta of NetCaptor was released today, NetCaptor is unlike other browsers which only view one site at a time or crowd multiple windows together, with NetCaptor you can open sites on separate browser ‘tabs’ to save room (and start bar space). The interface resembles Microsoft’s Internet Explorer for more ease of use. NetCaptor also features ‘PopupCaptor’ to get rid of those pesky popup ads, and at a 1.3MB download worth a try. Download it from FileForum.

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Cisco's Out Shopping Again

Cisco Systems, Inc. today announced it will acquire yet another company; this time Netiverse, Inc. of San Jose, California. Netiverse is "a leading provider of content acceleration technology that enhances the performance and functionality of networking devices." This just adds to the many companies Cisco has acquired as of late in their "New World" strategy to bring as many services as possible to their customers.

Netiverse will provide Cisco with a wealth of content acceleration technology (adding performance improvements to facilitate the needs of managing large amounts of Internet traffic and distributing web content) and also help in development of new networking technologies. Netiverse's technology was developed particularly for use in environments with multiple product lines for better integration. The technology will be integrated into Cisco's existing content networking solutions, and new products as they come out.

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More About ME

A number of WindowsME beta testers have confirmed that they had received their copies of the latest extension of the Windows9x Kernel in the mail on Saturday. Marked as build number "4.90.3000" the CDs also came with a letter stating that it was indeed 'Final.' As to why MSDN subscribers are not scheduled to be able to download until August, there is still no word.

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No Sign of ME: August Maybe?

An informed BetaNews reader sent word that the following notice has been posted to the Microsoft news sever concerning the release of WindowsME, and when it will become available for MSDN subscribers to download.

The final version of Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition will post to the
MSDN Subscriber Downloads site in early August. MSDN Universal and
Professional Subscribers will be able to download WindowsMe more than a
month before its street release.

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12 Trillion, and IBM's Counting

IBM announced today that they have built the world's fastest supercomputer, capable of 12 trillion calculations per second and more than three times faster than the most powerful computer in existence to date.


Known as ASCI White, the RS/6000 SP supercomputer covers an area the size of two basketball courts and will be used by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) program to help ensure the safety and reliability of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile without real-world testing.

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Nokia to Make Internet Video, Audio on Phones Real

Nokia and RealNetworks are teaming up in hopes of bringing audio and video to Nokia's next-generation of cellular phones, and mobile devices. Nokia said today that it would install RealNetwork's RealPlayer on its new EPOC-based 'smart-phones' other such devices.

People with such 'enabled' devices will be able to experience RealAudio and RealVideo content available on Web sites worldwide.

"Through our collaboration with RealNetworks, the leader in Internet audio and video distribution, we are bringing the best technology for Internet media delivery to the highest quality Internet devices for the benefit of our customers. We are pleased to be working together with RealNetworks to enable access to the mass of content available in RealNetworks formats."

RealNetworks Chief Executive Rob Glaser said in a statement.

The RealPlayer for the first Nokia EPOC products is scheduled to be available in 2001.

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A New AOL Suit Popping-Up

A judge in Miami has allowed AOL's hourly plan subscribers to go ahead with a suit over time loss due to pop-up ads. An estimated $20 million dollars has been overpaid due to such ads, say the America Online subscribers that filled the suit.

Attorney for the subscribers, Andrew Tramon, says "they're collecting incredible sums of money from advertisers, at the same time, they're charging you for something they're getting paid to put on the screen."

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New Way to Drive Net Content: DigitalDashboard

Microsoft's Digital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.0 is now available, this resource kit is "Microsoft's Internet standards-based framework for creating Web Parts and customizable digital dashboards." You can download it to learn about the so called 'second-generation digital dashboards.' Digital Dashboards are customizable by end users, and are presented new way to distribute Web-based services to the desktop with 'Web Parts'. Check out the Digital Dashboard Site for more info.

Or take a look at the Online Demo

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Keep an Eye Out for ME

Microsoft just sent out an e-mail to developers: "FINAL EDITION OF WINDOWS ME COMING SOON The MSDN Subscriber Downloads site will soon be posting the final version of Microsoft Windows
Millennium Edition. Keep an eye on the site." It's coming Folks...

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VisualStudio 6.0 Service Pack 4 Release

Microsoft will release Service Pack 4 for Visual Studio 6.0 tomorrow. This service pack addresses customer issues amongst many of the Visual Studio 6.0 tools, and is a 'superset' of Visual Studio service packs 1, 2, and 3.

Available for free on the Visual Studio Web site as either a download or a CD order. As with all service packs, Microsoft recommends that developers creating apps with Visual Studio 6.0 install the VS SP4 prior to releasing their applications.

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Google: Yahoo!'s Default Search Engine Provider

The revolutionary Google.com is fast becoming the premier search engine on the net. With two major announcements today Google becomes not only Yahoo!'s "Default Search Engine Provider," but also (Giga) Google now enables internet users to search more than 1 billion URLs, 560 million full-text indexed web pages and 500 million partially indexed URLs.

The first announcement came this morning, Google Inc. announced they have entered into an agreement that makes Google, "Yahoo!'s default search results provider. Under the agreement, Google will provide its underlying Web search engine to serve as a complement to Yahoo!'s popular Web directory and navigational guide."

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Corel: Cut 320 Jobs

Corel Corp. said today that they had cut 320 staff, or 21 percent of its personnel. As well, chief executive Michael Cowpland will forgo his salary as part of his plan to cut $40 million dollars from Corel's yearly expenses.

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Half-Life Tomorrow

Valve software just sent us an e-mail:
"We are releasing the official Half-Life update tomorrow (Thursday, June 8) at 11:00 a.m. PST." So be here, to get it tomorrow...I'm downloading it right now!
Full Message:

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Diablo II: Officially Golden

Blizzard Entertainment sent out an e-mail to Diablo II stress testers today verifying that Diablo II has gone gold and master CDs have been sent to manufactures. Here’s the e-mail from Blizzard:

Dear Battle.net Stress Testers,

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Valve: No New Patch Today

Well I hadn't thought I needed to post it, but due to a lot of e-mails: Valve will not release its patch for Half-Life anytime today. According to a report from Sarah Walker at Valve Software on Half-LifeExpress, "Had another problem with some stuff. Target date is tomorrow, but to be honest it's just got to wait till it's fixed to go out. :( Sucks, I know." Sorry folks that means no Counter-Strike BETA 6.5 either, but as soon as both are released they will be available on FileForum.

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