Counter-Strike BETA 6.5: Round Two

We wanted to know more about the 6.5 BETA
version of Half-Life's popular mod - Counter-Strike, so once again we asked our friend Cliffe to fill us in on a few things. The latest interview contains such topics as: new details on the smoke grenades, maps, and 'skin-cheating.' The latest version is set to be released tomorrow. It was previously delayed due to a bug found in the Half-Life source update, which will be incorporated in the Counter-Strike beta.
First off Cliffe, a few things about the new
'smoke grenades' in BETA 6.5:
Counter Strike BETA 6.5 to Draw on New Netcode

As many Counter Strike fans now know the release of Counter Strike 6.5 BETA had to be delayed
because of a bug in the netcode for the next patch for the game that Counter Strike is based on,
Half-Life. We asked Counter Strike’s 'Cliffe' to fill us in on the status of BETA 6.5.
BN: What major advancements will 6.5 have?
Cliffe: "Most importantly, it will have Valve's rewritten netcode. Those playing with a
modem or a slow connection will have a much better experience than before."
BN: Are there any key differences that will affect game play?
Gateway to Use Crusoe in AOL Devices

Gateway said today that they plan to use Transmeta’s Crusoe processor and OS in their new Internet–access "appliances" that Gateway is developing with AOL. The move, while significant, came as no surprise as Gateway has already put up millions of dollars in financing to help the new chip company.
The Internet appliances, lighter versions of the standard PC, are designed for use on kitchen counters or desktops for Internet surfing and the like. Eventually they will be wireless devices that could carried around the home and stay constantly connected to the Internet.
Transmeta, which had developed its mobile chips in secret, unveiled a test system in January. "We promised Crusoe would usher in a new world of mobility. With their innovative approach to Internet Appliances for the home, Gateway and AOL are playing a significant role in moving that vision forward." David Ditzel, founder of Transmeta, said in a statement to the press.
A customized version of AOL’s Internet service will run natively on the devices, which will display web pages while also supporting e-mail and personalized settings. The devices, running on Transmeta’s Debian Linux based OS, may take some features from the rumored "AOL for Linux" as posted earlier on BetaNews.
U.S Re-files Plan to Break-up Microsoft

The U.S government today re-filed its plan to break-up the Microsoft Corporation into two separate companies. With a ruling posssible as early as next week, the filing that came in the form of an order which District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson could sign and issue. Such an order could mandate the eventual breakup of Microsoft, and implement restrictions on Microsoft’s conduct starting in 90 days.
The proposal calls for a split in Microsoft that would separate the portion of the company that makes the Microsoft windows operating system for the rest of the company.
PHP4 (Zend) Released

Tel Aviv, Israel -- Zeev Suraski just announced that PHP 4 has been released! After over one and a half years of development, PHP4 is finally ready for production level use. PHP Version 4 is an HTML-embedded scripting language. The improvements are vast, and the upgrade is well worth it. You can download it from FileForum.
Migration notes can be found here.
Office 2000: UA Control Vulnerability

Microsoft, today released a patch that eliminates a security vulnerability in Office 2000 that "could allow a malicious web site operator to take inappropriate action on the computer of a user who visited his web site."
The basic flaw is that an ActiveX control that ships as part of Office 2000
was incorrectly marked as "safe for scripting."
This control, known as the Office 2000 UA Control, is "used by the
so called ‘Show Me’ function in Office Help, and allows Office functions
to be scripted." According to a Security Bulletin sent out by Microsoft
today. "A malicious web site operator could use the control to carry out
Office functions on the machine of a user who visited his site."
Right Click: On The MP3dom

EDITORIAL - We’ve all heard enough about it, Napster,, Metallica, and the RIAA. Unfortunately the latest craze in the internet-computer revolution is legalism, and why not? There sure is a lot of money out there and if you don’t have the creativeness, or the knowledge needed to make money in this new world like Bill Gates, Justin Frankel, Marc Andreessen, or even our own Nate Mook, why not sue someone? This indeed is what many have feared in the so-called “commercialization” of the Internet.
Are they wrong?
KDE Announces KDE 2.0 BETA 1

The KDE team released the newest version of KDE today. Version 1.90, dubbed 'Konfucious' is designed to be a BETA preview of the new 2.0 desktop, and to showcase it's next-generation, powerful, and modular design. Builds are available from FileForum and KDE's FTP. See the official announcement here.
"With KDE 2.0, Linux will be ready to tackle the corporate and consumer desktop," predicted Waldo Bastian, a core KDE developer.
Security Flaw in Quake 3 Arena

ID software programmer Robert Duffy posted information today in his .plan about a possible security hole in their flagship product, Quake III Arena. The hole that could permit malicious server operators to "overwrite any file on a client system" can be fixed with a patch, version 1.17, also released today.
"This patch fixes a fairly serious security flaw in Quake 3 Arena. Internet Security Systems identified the flaw and notified us with reproduction details as well as an overview of the exploit," Duffy wrote in is .plan for May 4th.
According to him, "the basic nature of the exploit is that malicious server operators could overwrite any file on a client system." Such a hole could enable the server operators to install
so called 'trojan' computer viruses, that allow malicious users to have a backdoor into a users computer.
He also added that "This type of thing is always possible with DLL based mods" and that ID recommends that customers use VM based mods, "but with this exploit, it was possible [even] within the VM system."
An important note to users that upgrade, version 1.17 will not be compatible with older (less secure) version of Quake III Arena.
All Palms to Have Internet Access Within the Year

The CEO of Palm Inc., Carl Yankowski vowed today, "All of our Palms will have access to the Internet by the end of the year," in an address to investors at a Merrill Lynch
computer technology conference in New York.
Yankowski asserted that there will be "an attachment that will clip onto [palm] device[s]," for users who have already purchased palms lacking Internet access.
Intel to Mass Produce New Network Processor

Intel today said that they have begun to mass-produce a new high speed network processor dubbed "IXP1200." The new processor, vital to Intel’s latest thrust into the communications market, is capable of processing three million packets of data per second.
Capable of running terabit network equipment, the chip can process three million packets of data per second, and operate at 200 million cycles per second. Also a featured in these new chips is a facet to control the "quality of service" for use in voice or video data transfer. The feature would facilitate an administrator’s ability to give priority to those types of time critical data.
Microsoft's Open Letter Regarding Possible Breakup

Microsoft today released an open letter “To Our Customers, Partners and Shareholders” regarding the possible breakup of their company. You can read the letter from Microsoft's Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer on the Microsoft Press Pass website, or a re-posting here on BetaNews.
The following is:
©2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
US Officially Asks for Microsoft Breakup

In a 17-page proposal filed today in federal court, the U.S. government officially asked that Microsoft be broken up into two separate companies. The goal would be to separate Microsoft's Windows operating system from its
other software applications such as its popular office suite, Microsoft Office. Microsoft called the proposal "extreme," and has vowed to fight. A breakup could be postponed due to legal appeals for months or even years.
Microsoft Announces Windows CE 3.0

Microsoft today announced Windows CE 3.0 at WinHEC in New Orleans. To be available in June, CE 3.0 has been "Built from the ground up for the embedded and appliance market."
The goal of version 3.0 is to "enable millions of developers to utilize their knowledge of the Windows-based programming model and easily develop on the Windows CE platform." The software will target applications for the recently released Pocket PC, Microsoft’s handy challenge to Palm's dominance of the hand-held organizer market.
"With improved real-time support, rich multimedia functionality such as the DirectX API and Windows Media, enhanced Internet capabilities, and DCOM for Windows CE, Windows CE 3.0 allows developers to create highly customizable devices while reducing their time to market." Microsoft stated in a press release.
"Windows CE 3.0 is uniquely suited for the rapidly growing market of highly flexible intelligent devices with small memory requirements because of its significantly improved reliability, familiar Windows-based programming environment and integral Web functionality," said William Baxter, president and CEO of BSQUARE Corp. "With improved configuration and debugging tools, it will be faster and easier than ever before to create embedded systems designs with Windows CE. We are pleased to support Windows CE 3.0 with a complete line of software products and services to provide development solutions for OEMs throughout each stage of their device development cycle."
According to Microsoft, the full packaged product of Windows CE 3.0 and Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0 is scheduled to be available in June, and an evaluation copy of Windows CE 'Platform Builder 3.0' will be available on the Web in June as well.
Milestone 15 Released
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