Ed Oswald

Comcast Updates Web E-Mail Service

Comcast is partnering with several companies including HP, Plaxo and Zimbra to provide its customers with a centralized Web communications application to manage the company's ever-growing offerings.

Comcast customers will be able to send and receive e-mail, check their voicemail, manage a "smart" address book, and send instant messages. The company hopes to have the application live later this year, saying it will be accessible via the company's online portal.

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Samsung Releases New UMPC

Even though the platform itself is struggling to stay afloat, Samsung on Monday introduced a new line of Ultra Mobile PCs in an effort to kick start the market.

The Q1 Ultra is the successor the original Q1, released by the Korean electronics maker last year. It will feature a "split" QWERTY keyboard, mouse, and user-defined function keys.

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TSA Loses Hard Drive With Employee Data

The Transportation Security Administration admitted over the weekend that it had lost a hard drive containing data on approximately 100,000 employees.

Among the data on the hard drive are social security numbers, bank data, and payroll information, potentially enough for any identity thief to steal employees' indentities, and possibly compromise their banking accounts.

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HP to be Sued by CNET Journalists

Three journalists employed by CNET News.com have indicated that they intend to sue Hewlett-Packard for privacy violations related to their involvement in the pretexting scandal that rocked the company.

Dawn Kawamoto, Stephen Shankland, and Tom Krazit have hired the Los Angeles firm of Panish, Shea & Boyle to represent them, the New York Times reported on Monday. Furthermore, CNET News.com itself is also considering a separate suit.

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Indian Engineers Aiming for $10 Laptop

Engineers in India are looking into ways to create a laptop that would cost a mere $10. The effort came in response to the increasing price of the so-called '$100 laptop.'

The Indian government has taken a pass on the device, opting instead for two homegrown designs. One is from a student in one of the country's technology schools, while the other was produced by the Institute of Science, a graduate school in Bangalore.

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Apple: We're 'Greener' Than You Think

Facing increasing criticism over its commitment to the environment, Apple CEO Steve Jobs shot back saying that in many cases the company will soon be ahead -- if not already -- of its competitors.

Jobs pointed out that it is generally not the policy of Apple to talk about its future plans, but he said this policy had left its shareholders, employees, and the industry "in the dark" over its commitment to the environment.

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EU Cell Roaming Policy Still Unclear

While making progress towards an agreement surrounding roaming in the European Union, the European Commission and member countries still differ over specifics of the arrangement.

During a meeting Wednesday, representatives for both sides failed to reach an agreement however were coming closer on the specifics. Main points of disagreement remain the rates that companies may charge and where consumers should be automatically switched.

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Napster Loses Penn State to Ruckus

Penn State will end its partnership with the Napster music service on May 31 in favor of Ruckus, the university said on Wednesday.

The announcement ends a nearly four-year deal between the institution and music service, and sends mixed signals on the future of the offering itself. Penn State was one of Napster's largest educational customers.

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One-Time Passwords Coming to Bank Card Near You

VeriSign is looking to strengthen credit card security by offering a new technology that would generate a temporary password directly on the corner of the card. Users would need to have the card in their possession in order to make purchases.

The company has announced a deal with Innovative Card Technologies that would assist interested banks and online stores with the addition of temporary password technology to their web sites.

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New Telescope Looks to the 'Violent' Universe

Scientists have turned on a new telescope in Arizona that they hope will help them find so-called 'dark matter.'

Dark matter is a term that refers to matter that does not emit enough radiation to be observed directly. Scientists say it makes up much of the observable universe, but its composition so far has been indeterminable.

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NY Post: Microsoft Eyeing 24/7 Real Media

With Google scooping up DoubleClick, and Yahoo's acquisition Monday of the remaining stake of Right Media, Microsoft is apparently eyeing 24/7 Real Media, the New York Post reported Tuesday.

Microsoft and advertising company WPP Group are in the running to acquire the company, which is said to be worth some $600 million according to analysts. However, the Redmond, Wash. Company is serious about its pursuit of the firm, and is said to be considering a $1 billion offer.

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XM, Sirius Progress Towards Profitability

As the companies continue to work towards getting their proposed merger approved, both show progress in improving their balance sheets. Sirius shows the most improvement, capturing a 66 percent subscriber share.

Both companies expressed confidence in the eventual merger of the two companies, saying the retail market had changed dramatically since the companies were first granted their licenses ten years ago.

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Joost Allowing Unlimited Beta Invites

Internet television service Joost moved into public beta on Tuesday, as the company announced that it is allowing its existing beta testers to invite an unlimited number of friends and family to sign up for the service.

Current users can invite anyone by clicking on the "My Joost" area, then selecting the "Invite Friends" widget.

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Microsoft Shares Windows Live APIs

FROM MIX 07 Microsoft on Monday launched a new version of its Windows Live developer Web site, complete with controls to build the company's services into third-party products.

Among the new options are a Spaces Photo Control and updated Windows Live Contacts Control. The dev.live.com site already includes other code snippets covering rich media, maps, search, and authentication.

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BBC's On-Demand Video Service Approved

After a nearly two-year wait, the BBC has been given the go-ahead to launch its online on-demand television, however no exact launch date has been set.

This service is directed at British consumers and allows programs to be watched for up to seven days after they are broadcast. Once downloaded, the consumer has up to 30 days to view the content.

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