Three New Celerons Introduced

Intel Corporation announced today that three new microprocessors clocked at 633, 667 and 700MHz are now available. The California based company is known as one of the first manufacturers to introduce some of its fastest chip models with a price tag below $1000. Celerons are ranked second in the marketplace, next to Pentium III products.
The latest additions to the Celeron family use the 0.18 micron technology, which allows more processing power to be put on a single chip.
Odigo Messenger Interoperable with Yahoo

Odigo, Inc., announced today that their popular instant message program, dubbed Odigo Messenger, is now interoperable with Yahoo Messenger. Currently, Odigo supports more messenging services than any other program. These include Yahoo, ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger. A spokesman from Odigo stated, "Adding compatibility with Yahoo! Messenger is another important step toward our goal of providing IM users universal connectivity."
The press release noted, "In addition to providing instant messaging services, the Odigo Messenger also provides voice chat, note posting, chat on every site, detailed personal profiles, buddy lists, URL and file transfer capabilities, visibility filters, mood indicators, firewall compatibility, plus much more - all packed in a sleek user-interface. Additionally, Odigo’s directory shares information about the sites other Odigo users are visiting in real-time. This enables like-minded surfers to easily find and communicate with each other wherever they travel on the web."
Odigo Messenger 2.5 Released

FortuneCity's Odigo Messenger was released earlier today, and is now available. Odigo Messenger is an alternative way for AIM and ICQ users to keep in touch with their buddies. The latest version features skin support, web integration, detail cards, a home pager and much more.
Here is a section of the press release sent out:
Mozilla Reaches Milestone 16

The latest build of Mozilla has just been released. The latest build, Milestone 16, contains many new features that were highly anticipated. Such things as skin switching capabilities, session history, and autocomplete features have been implemented. You may start downloading the latest version of Netscape's successor here.
Halt of Napster Requested

On Monday, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) filed a brief requesting that the popular music portal, Napster, be prevented from "facilitating or assisting others in, the copying, downloading,
uploading, transmission or distribution of copyrighted musical works." The brief was reinforced by declarations from's CEO, Michael Roberston.
According to Jack Valenti of the Motion Picture Association of America, "If Napster can encourage and facilitate the distribution of pirated sound recordings, then what's to stop it from doing the same to movies, software, books, magazines, newspapers, television, photographs or video games?"
Underwater E-Mail Cababilities

Last month, the U.S. Navy utilized a new technology created by Massachusetts-based Benthos Inc., to communicate with a naval base in San Diego through e-mail. The USS Dolphin was able to transmit e-mails up to a distance of three miles to a relayer buoy. The buoy then translates the data, and transfers it to land.
This marks the first time a submerged vessel was able to communicate without allowing its position to be obtained. The submarine's modem sends data underwater using sound energy.
New Netscape 6 Information

If you would like to know more about the development of Netscape 6 / Mozilla, there is an informative FAQ site available dubbed 'Newzilla' that covers many questions asked by the general public. The site also recovers many misconceptions about the browser's development. Click here to visit the FAQ.
One of the developers of 'Newzilla' has given Betanews a description of what their site has to offer.
Sony's Portable PlayStation

Sony announced today, plans to release a portable version of their older PlayStation console. Dubbed PSone, the new unit will be able to connect to mobile phones, allowing games, programs and other data to be exchanged. The miniature PSX has a price tag of about $142, and is about one-third the size of the conventional PlayStation. One minor drawback with the new unit is it requires an electrical power source, unlike other handheld players, such as Nintendo's Game Boy.
Sony plans to release the PSone in Japan starting July 7, continued with a release in the US and Europe by fall. The company anticipates that the new portable unit will eventually phase out the older, larger, Playstation.
Half-Life and Counter-Strike Updates

Valve released their Half-Life patch today, as promised, thus allowing a slew of other modifications for the popular game to release new versions. Along with the update, the latest beta version of Counter-Strike, 6.5, was also released. Many other MODs are planning to release new versions of their games, mainly Russian Front, and Firearms. You must download this update to play online.
Here are a couple of mirrors. They will most likely be bogged down, due to the popularity of this game, but keep trying!
Microsoft Releases SSL Vulnerability Patch

Yesterday, Microsoft released a patch that eliminates two "SSL Certificate Validaton" vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Explorer. The holes involve how IE handles digital certificates. Under a certain set of circumstances, a malicious web site would be able to pose as a trusted page. The patch also eliminates many vulnerabilities relating to "Unauthorized Cookie Access" problems. The patch is available here
Here is a section of the bulletin:
Microsoft's New Internet Security and Acceleration Server

Microsoft announced today plans to unveil their multilevel firewall Web caching server for the Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000. The latest addition takes advantage of many aspects of the Windows 2000 operating system, such as security, manageability and control benefits.
"Security is of prime importance to any company that accesses the Web," stated senior analyst of server technologies for the Dataquest Division at Gartner Group Inc., Pu Xiang.
Intel's Timna Delayed

Intel announced today that their new 'Timna' processor has run into a minute setback, thus lengthening the expected launch date. Problems with the Timna motherboard's memory translator hub has caused the Santa Clara-based company to push the release date to the first quarter of 2001. The delay is related to the recall of almost one million i820 chipset motherboards.
Designed from the problematic 820 chipset, Timna's MTH design experienced frequent freezing and rebooting of computers. To remedy this problem, Intel is beginning designs on a new memory interface component for a replacement. Intel also announced that the 820 and 840 chip sets would no longer support SDRAM.
AtheOS - In Depth With the Author

BetaNews recently contacted Kurt Skauen regarding his operating system - AtheOS. Kurt covered such points as: the latest features in his new OS, who worked on it, and more. The main kernel is based off of UNIX. Previously, Kurt planned to develop his operating system to resemble an AmigaOS clone, however he decided to take an alternate path.
The AtheOS, specifically designed for Intel architecture and free of charge, has popped up on the Internet. It is released under the GPL license, and the creator stresses that its not meant to be another UNIX clone, nor does it run X-Windows. Instead, it offers its own multi-threaded GUI. But what is the story behind AtheOS, and what can it do? BetaNews takes an in-depth look at the newest addition to the family of operating systems that users have at their disposal.
Editorial: Inside Diablo II

If you received one of the 100,000 e-mails from Blizzard stating that you were accepted to participate in the Diablo II Stress Test, hopefully you are playing it to the fullest, as it will only be playable for a few weeks. Blizzard has successfully delivered 75,000 e-mails, and plans to release the last batch sometime next week. The remaining quarter is targeted towards testers in Asia, Europe, and Africa.
The overall feel of Diablo II is rather repetitive. Many aspects, such as sounds and movement, in the game have not changed whatsoever since its prequel. This however, is not entirely a bad thing, since Diablo I was a great success for its online playability and startling eeriness.
Diablo II Stress Testers Contacted

This week, Blizzard Inc. issued an e-mail to each of the 100,000 beta testers chosen with instructions on where and how to download the 100MB file. The mail contains a list of download sites, and the personal access code which will be used for the install. The demo is only playable over, and contains the Barbarian character, with portions of the game's first act.
The purpose of this test is to ensure the stability of servers worldwide.
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