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Bitcoin as legal tender can expose El Salvador to Zimbabwe-like risks


Policy decisions may or may not be productive. In worst cases, they can be counter-productive.

Banking system is the backbone of any economy, and there is a reason behind it. Money supply in the market is managed by banks that engage in safekeeping of depositors’ money and lending a portion of it to others. The central bank oversees the functioning of banks, prints currency notes, drafts monetary policy, and all these actions infuse stability in the country’s financial system. Central banks manage interest rates and tweak them to either infuse liquidity in a slowing economy or suck liquidity to control higher levels of inflation. Policy decisions like these are productive exercises.

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Whose responsibility is cloud security anyway?

Cloud data security

The question of whether not moving to the cloud is beneficial for security has largely been answered with a resounding "yes," which is why organizations are increasingly relying on cloud-based technology and services for business operation.

A more nuanced conversation, however, lies around the question of whose responsibility cloud security is, ultimately.

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Cloud security risks every company can avoid

The benefits of cloud computing make it impossible to ignore in 2021. With more accessibility and state of the art resources at your disposal, the cloud offers the best value in today’s working world in terms of services gained for their cost. That said, security risks can still keep some away from the technology.

Rather than being worried and passing on the tools offered by the cloud, getting educated on what the risks are with cloud computing can help you utilize proven software and programs with peace of mind. When it comes to cloud security risks, a lot of the threats posed to businesses all around the world are avoidable. Here’s a handful of risks you should know about when working in the cloud and how to keep your security tight in this new, exciting space.

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The need for speed: Why faster threat detection is imperative for today's enterprise


Cyberattacks are happening more frequently and with greater sophistication. As a result, rapid threat detection and response is critical to finding threat actors and minimizing their impact on the enterprise. This task is easier said than done. Information security teams are understaffed and the digital infrastructures they must protect continue to increase in complexity. Time is also of the essence.

Every passing second dangerously prolongs a threat actor’s presence within the network, creating additional backdoors, pilfering critical data and assets, and increasing their chances of absconding with the crown jewels. In those especially urgent moments, when the security team is literally all hands-on deck, there isn’t time to run queries through a number of different tools and wait for results to come back. Security teams need real-time insights they can act upon quickly.

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The true impact of digital technology on your workforce efficiency

robot call center

We know technology has had an impact on every area of our lives. We can manage almost our entire lives through our smartphones, from arranging appointments to paying bills. Technological innovations have also found a way into the workplace, completely revolutionizing the way we work.

As technology is embedded into workplaces, it can unsettle workers. With technologies including artificial intelligence and automation able to replicate elements of our jobs, it’s easy to see why. Half of UK workers believe they may be replaced by automation, AI, or robots in the next decade. A further 61 percent are concerned about AI.

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The rise of ransomware: How to protect a modern company

ransomware laptop

In 2021, the cost of ransomware attacks is expected to exceed more than $20 billion worldwide. Ransomware has emerged as one of the most lucrative, elusive, and easy-to-implement methods of cyber-attack currently available. Being able to hold a company, its operations, and its data completely hostage presents a great opportunity for malicious hackers looking to maximize their earnings. This is made more attractive by the fact that many businesses lack the preparation necessary to sufficiently protect themselves from ransomware attacks. In a world where companies have become increasingly reliant on technology to store, manage, and facilitate their data and processes, business security solutions have never been more important.

The goal of this article is to analyze the rise of ransomware attacks and identify the ways in which an organization should protect itself against this increasingly popular form of cybercriminal activity.

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The role of Information Technology in elevating customer experience

"Exceptional service" has always been a key customer demand over the years. But customers today expect more -- a combination of customized insights, connected interactions and an agile approach in addition to exceptional customer service. Therefore, while focusing on customer experience, communication and connection become highly crucial.

The recent pandemic and the process of businesses overcoming it have further brought to the spotlight the need for customer experience backed by flexible technology support and exceptional customer satisfaction, especially during adverse times. Information Technology (IT) has a significant role in providing the exceptional service and connected experience customers have always demanded.

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The most destructive cybersecurity threats in 2021

With companies relying more on technology, such as web applications, third-party solutions, and cloud computing than ever before, corporate cybersecurity has had to become the backbone of modern businesses. In the presence of remote work environments where IoT security has never been more vulnerable, companies need to effectively and quickly adapt to the rapidly evolving methods and techniques that hackers are beginning to employ.

Business vulnerabilities like a weak human firewall could lead to an increased susceptibility to a variety of cybersecurity attacks, such as ransomware and DDOS attacks. But despite all of these challenges, comprehensive and reliable cybersecurity solutions are very much achievable when approached correctly. In order to protect yourself against contemporary security threats, however, one must first understand the threats and risks they are trying to prevent and mitigate.

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Top industries on which AI and ML will have the greatest impact

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been two of the most disruptive technological advancements of the past several years.

Gartner predicts that by 2024, 75 percent of enterprises have shifted from AI pilot stage implementation to operationalization. Their effects have been wide-ranging and promise to continue into the foreseeable future. Businesses will gain a substantial competitive advantage by capitalizing on the benefits of AI and ML.

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How to avoid social engineering attacks

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a method of obtaining confidential information by psychologically manipulating or deceiving people to pursue a certain course of action. It is a popular tactic among hackers as it is easier to exploit human psychology rather than hacking a network or looking for security vulnerabilities.

The following are the most common forms of digital social engineering assaults:

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Putting data in context with knowledge graphs

Knowledge graphs aren’t new, but they’re the latest and greatest trend as people and companies realize just how versatile they are. Whether your e-commerce business needs to offer your customers better product recommendations and targeted coupons or your payment processor needs to provide fraud detection on a massive, real-time dataset, a knowledge graph can be fundamental to your success.

Learn more about how knowledge graphs are already shaping your life and how they can transform your business.

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Technological advancements in waste management

As we know technology is rapidly evolving and has been for the last few years however, for the waste management sector there has a slow up take on technology, and it uses within the industry. Going off leading figures, it is all set to change as various technologies, apps and methods are being introduced to the waste management world.

From science to smartphones, food waste to recycling, join us as we take a look through the latest technologies that are supporting the waste management’s progress.

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How to address the FTC guidance on AI today

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a blog entitled "Aiming for truth, fairness, and equity in your company's use of AI" that should serve as a shot across the bow for the large number of companies regulated by the FTC. 

Signaling a stronger regulatory stance on deployed algorithms, the FTC highlights some of the issues with AI bias and unfair treatment and states that existing FTC regulations -- such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the FTC ACT -- all still apply and will be enforced with algorithmic decision-making.

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Leveraging AI to close the application knowledge gap

Artificial intelligence

As we move further into the digital age, technologies need to evolve quickly enough to support the constantly changing needs of the modern enterprise. While cloud computing has surged in popularity in recent years, most organizations must simultaneously continue to rely on their legacy systems for many of their core functions.

Despite the cloud’s ability to minimize IT infrastructure costs and adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable demand while getting applications up and running faster, 71 percent of the Fortune 500 and more than 90 percent of the world’s largest 100 banks, 10 largest insurance companies and 25 largest retailers in the U.S. all continue to depend on outdated systems to power their mission-critical applications.

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Decision intelligence: The future of analytics

Decision intelligence is a new, powerful practice of using information to make more efficient decisions at scale. Often touted as "the new business intelligence (BI)," decision intelligence promises to take the insights from dashboards a step further than just pretty charts based on data. Decision intelligence effectively extracts value from data, giving decision-makers easy-to-consume answers -- often based on disparate datasets or multiple machine learning models.

Leading analyst firms, such as Gartner Research, are predicting that decision intelligence will become a major factor in enterprise decision-making in the near future. In fact, Gartner predicts that 33 percent of large enterprises will have analysts that practice decision intelligence by 2023. Let’s explore more about how enterprises can transform their decision-making with decision intelligence.

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