Half-Life Tomorrow

Valve software just sent us an e-mail:
"We are releasing the official Half-Life update tomorrow (Thursday, June 8) at 11:00 a.m. PST." So be here, to get it tomorrow...I'm downloading it right now!
Full Message:
Half-Life 1.1 is done. It will be available at 11 am PST tomorrow (June 8).
Counter-Strike BETA 6.5 will alos be availible.
This release includes:
--Team Fortress 1.5
--Half-Life SDK 2.0 (Full and Standard versions)
--Worldcraft 3.3
--Counter-Strike Beta 6.5
--OpFor CTF
--Firearms 2.0
We hope everyone enjoys the upgrade. There will be a number of MODs that
are released or updated in the near future. We will be releasing a new MOD
ourselves later this month.