Google: Yahoo!'s Default Search Engine Provider

The revolutionary is fast becoming the premier search engine on the net. With two major announcements today Google becomes not only Yahoo!'s "Default Search Engine Provider," but also (Giga) Google now enables internet users to search more than 1 billion URLs, 560 million full-text indexed web pages and 500 million partially indexed URLs.
The first announcement came this morning, Google Inc. announced they have entered into an agreement that makes Google, "Yahoo!'s default search results provider. Under the agreement, Google will provide its underlying Web search engine to serve as a complement to Yahoo!'s popular Web directory and navigational guide."
Yahoo! expects to integrate the services within the next 30 days.
As well, Google has introduced it’s new 'index,' the first of its kind; it represents the most comprehensive collection of the most useful web pages on the Internet.
In information released to the press Google asserted:
"According to a recent survey conducted by the NEC Research Institute, there are more than 1 billion web pages online today. Google now offers users the ability to search almost all of this content, providing access to 560 million full-text indexed web pages and 500 million partially indexed URLs. Integrated with more than 70 portals and destination sites worldwide, Google's award-winning search technology will soon power more than 30 million searches per day on and its partner websites."
Larry Page, Google CEO and co-founder stated that "Google's new gigantic index means that you can search the equivalent of a stack of paper more than 70 miles high in less than half a second," in comments to the press. "This unprecedented power enables millions of Google users worldwide to communicate, learn, and entertain like never before."
See Google.Com for more information.