Red Hat 7 Released

All you Red Hat lovers can get a copy of the latest release from these North Carolinians, as version 7 was released to the public today and is available from RedHat's FTP. The new version features enhanced security, and an increase on the ease of use side of this fledgling OS that has taken the computer industry by storm.
With optimized software for higher-end Intel chips and increased 3D support, along with dozens of new enterprise-ready applications, RedHat hopes to extend its lead as the most powerful and widely used open source server environment in the world.
Along with this release Red Hat is inducing the new "Red Hat Network," available now to all RedHat 7 users on a "free trial basis" (see related press release ) RedHat is pioneering a new way to distribute open source products, service, support and information on-line in real-time.
See the press release here:
"Red Hat Linux is the most popular and trusted open source environment in the world, and with the enhancements to Red Hat Linux 7 it becomes an even more compelling choice for enterprises to use as the foundation of their internet infrastructures," said Matthew Szulik, president and CEO of Red Hat, Inc. "Increased security, ease of use and manageability make Red Hat Linux 7 a full-featured solution for enterprise IT departments, workstation users and developers. It's appropriate that as the company responsible for so much of the internet infrastructure, Red Hat should also be the first to offer a complete array of on-line service and support through our innovative Red Hat Network. The Internet is the future of development, deployment and management services for software technology, and Red Hat is there today."
New features:
OpenSSL with 128-bit encryption for secure web communication
2.4 kernel ready
USB support for mice and keyboards
XFree 4.0.1 for improved video performance
Cleaner, faster, more customizable GNOME desktop and Sawfish window
Graphical kernel tuning tool
Graphical firewall configuration tool