Linux Kernel 2.4 Almost Ready

Linux guru Linus Torvalds told testers at the new year that this release of the 2.4 kernel will be the only such testing before the final version is released. Many companies such as Red Hat are counting on the newest kernel for products slated for release in the first half of the new year. The delay on the update came as the development team rushed to add a slew of new features to the kernel, making it better than ever. Torvalds told those testers "Ok. I didn't make 2.4.0 in 2000. Tough." In all the kernel is more than a year overdue, according to Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet. No one is Linux bashing here, as most of us know that Microsoft has missed a few promised dates in its time. For the rest of the story check out ZDNet.

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