Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 Released

The third revision of Debian GNU/Linux 2.2, one of the most popular and arguably easiest to use Linux distribtuions, was released Tuesday. Debian 2.2r3 contains several security and bug updates in many
popular Linux packages. Amongst the list are mysql, openssh, bind, wu-ftpd, squid and
the Linux kernel itself. So, fire up your old PC sitting in your store room and give Linux a try.

For detailed instructions on installing Debian GNU/Linux read the release notes.

Those upgrading to this revision online can do so by pointing the 'apt' package tool to one of
Debian's many FTP mirrors. A list is available at Here you can see the accepted and rejected packages or a complete ChageLog for the release.

The current stable distribution can be found at and for non-US packages.

If you wish to run the Linux 2.4.x Kernel with Debian 2.2, you will want to read this, as the 2.4 Kernel was not finished in time for Debian 2.2.

More information on Debian/GNU Linux can be obtained by visiting

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