Microsoft Soups Up Small Business Site

Looking to displace its competition, Microsoft has turned the notion of "more is less" on its head, and has loaded its Small Business Center Web site with a host of new online resources.
The changes are the result of customer feedback solicited from over 20,000 surveys online. Among the additions to the site are components that Microsoft hopes will "demystify" technology, a more secure computing environment and an expert's exchange forum.
On today's edition of the site, for example, Microsoft is offering free online technology seminars, interactive content and self paced technology learning guides. Help is available for security and technical support considerations through SBC's new Security Guidance Center and other support options.
To reduce the complexity of IT decision making, Microsoft is guiding its SBC customers to choose the right technology consultants for their specific set of needs with its "Partner Finder" feature and provides tools that suggest appropriate Microsoft technologies.
"Small businesses have always been voracious consumers of information," said Raymond Boggs, vice president of SMB research at IDC. "But they don't have the time and resources to sort through the extraordinary detail available to them on the Internet."
Boggs noted that the specialized and organized information available on the Microsoft Small Business Center site will be especially appealing. "Because the Internet is always available, small-business owners can get access to technology information when they need it - even outside regular business hours."