D-Link Preps First 802.11n Products

D-Link on Wednesday said it planned to deliver its first 802.11n capable wireless devices by the end of April, heralding the arrival of the next-generation wireless standard. Although 802.11n has not yet been finalized, hardware manufacturers are using draft specifications with ratification expected soon.
802.11n promises wireless speeds of up to 100Mbit per second, with the potential for much higher throughput in future updates. Using a technology called MIMO, or multiple-in, multiple out, an 802.11n device could have multiple antennas that handle more than one data stream at a time, thus speeding the transfer of data tremendously.
D-Link's RangeBooster N 650 series of products will make use of the AR5008 chipset from Atheros Communications. Other features of the 802.11n technology include improved stability and range, along with backwards compatibility with previous wireless standards.
"Our new RangeBooster N 650 is the perfect wireless platform for consumers looking for ultimate performance from their wireless network. It is designed to deliver more than enough bandwidth and range to handle intensive transfers of video, voice, data and next-generation media and content streaming to all corners of their digital home," said Steven Joe, president and CEO of D-Link.
D-Link's 802.11n router will retail for $159.99 USD, with desktop and USB 2.0 wireless cards priced at $119.99 USD. A 802.11n PC Card for laptops will run $99.99 USD. Other companies such as Linksys and Netgear are expected to announce similar products shortly.