Apple Launches New TV Commercials

For the first time since its "switcher" campaign in 2002, Apple has turned to commercials to advertise the superiority of its Macs overs PCs. The six television segments feature an older corporate suit representing a PC and a trendier 20-something as a Mac.
Each "Get a Mac" commercial discusses one aspect of why Macs are better than PCs, from being less prone to viruses and crashes, to including applications that handle music, photos and movies. The ads began airing Monday evening during primetime shows on Fox and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Apple also highlights how seamlessly Macs worth with devices such as camera, while another ad quotes a Wall Street Journal review calling Macs "the finest desktop PC on the market at any price."
"I had had a conversation yesterday with someone who pointed out that Apple has really become a lifestyle company. The new ad campaign clearly captures this with the depiction of the Mac vs. PC," commented JupiterResearch vice president Michael Gartenberg.
"There's no doubt that here that Apple's looking to capitalize on things like the Vista delay and the reinforcing the overall negative perception of the PC."
On the Get a Mac Web site, Apple details 14 reasons why PC users should consider buying a Mac instead, and dispels 6 major myths about Mac OS X, including Macs not running Microsoft Office and being slow. The company also points out that with Boot Camp, Intel-based Macs can also run Windows.
Added Gartenberg: "Will it work? I suspect it already is."