Microsoft to Train Colombian Fighters

Microsoft on Thursday pledged to donate $300,000 and train former paramilitary fighters in Colombia to handle civilian jobs. The effort comes after Colombian President Alvaro Uribe asked Microsoft chairman Bill Gates for help with re-integrating former militiamen.
$234,000 in cash and $77,000 in software will be donated to the country, with some of the software designed to create an employment database that matches the skills of former fighters with employers. Many paramilitary fighters have had trouble finding jobs due to a lack of education and their history.
The announcement was made by Microsoft president of international operations Jean-Philippe Courtois and Frank Pearl, a special envoy to President Uribe who is in charge of private sector employment for ex-combatants.
Microsoft's donation will be put toward opening eight training centers in the next three years, according to the Associated Press. The centers will offer training to over 2,000 former fighters.
Microsoft has a long history of reaching out to developing countries through donations and by working closely with governments to offer low-cost software. Windows XP Starter Edition has been released in a number of regions around the world, including Central and South America.