Online columnist in trouble for reviewing pirated movie

There's continuing debate in entertainment circles today over the seemingly simple matter of whether Roger Friedman, a movie reviewer for, was fired for having written and published a review of an unreleased film he admitted to having pirated online.
In his review of the upcoming Wolverine prequel to the X-Men series -- which the site has since deleted -- Friedman bragged about what he considered a time-saving measure, writing, "It took really less than seconds to start playing it all right onto my computer. I could have downloaded all of it but really, who has the time or the room?...It's so much easier than going out in the rain!" 20th Century Fox is both the producer of the film and the sister company of Friedman's publisher -- both are co-owned by News Corp.
In response, multiple entertainment journalists have received statements from Fox News, identical except for the sentence that closes the paragraph. Some sites received a statement saying the offending review was removed and that Friedman was terminated, while others received the same statement except with the termination portion omitted. (Some sites received both statements.) This as The Huffington Post reports that a decision on Friedman's actual fate is being determined today.
Elsewhere on the Internet, fewer questions seem to be circulating about the ethics of reviewing "leaked" copies of late Windows 7 builds, in some cases by folks bragging about having located them through BitTorrent.