Suggested Google-Twitter tweets for Biz Stone

Oh, Biz Stone. A blog post about the swirling rumors of Twitter's acquisition by Google? Really? I mean, you were certainly coy enough -- the post is titled "Sometimes we talk" (cue hipster shrug) and includes an emphatically noncommittal "It should come as no surprise that Twitter engages in discussions with other companies regularly and on a variety of subjects."

My dear Mr. Stone, no. This is the brave new 140-character world you created, sir, and millions of Twitterers demand that you be pithier. So let's remove that post from your metaphorical tweetstream and go with something a bit more... in keeping? Naturally I tweeted for suggestions, and received the following:

_ am not the new am not am not am not

- $one billion to change it to twoogle? nah, ill pass

- I'm having a sandwich. In turn, am in danger of being eaten by search behemoth. Circle of life. #irony

- You thought people hated the new Facebook design? Wait 'til they see where I strike next. You'll never guess.

- money money money money money money #followfriday

- RT @youtube Mmm, safe and warm here. Let someone else mind the servers.

- RUMOR: Twitter negotiations with Google broke down over Google's inability to phrase their offer in 140 characters.

- wonder if scott mcnealy is looking for a sun partnership? seems like a stable company.

- @sergey @larry @nasdaq i can haz billions?

But hey, no worries. Besides, who needs clever? As PZ Myers so eloquently puts it, "One hundred forty characters is exactly enough room for a 'Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!'"

(Thanks very much to Doubledown_InSL, and JoeSchmitt, who wrote the funny ones. The rest are on me.)

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