Steve Jobs recovers from liver transplant

Now that the next iPhone launch is at least a solid year away, the truth behind CEO Steve Jobs' six-month medical leave has finally been released to the Wall Street Journal.
In January, Jobs said he had been diagnosed with a hormone imbalance, and the public speculated it was actually intestinal cancer. Tonight, it was revealed that the "hormone imbalance" was an issue with his liver. According to the WSJ report, Jobs underwent a liver transplant two months ago in Tennessee, and has been in recovery since that time. A statement from Apple to the paper said the CEO is still looking forward to a return to work at the end of the month.
In 2004, Jobs suffered from a rare but treatable form of pancreatic cancer, thanks to early detection, that tumor did not require chemotherapy. However, the transplant is presumed to be directly related to Jobs' cancer from five years ago.