Adobe open sources two more Flash technologies

Adobe Systems has made two new frameworks available on under the Mozilla Public License: Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) and Text Layout Framework (TLF),
OSMF was originally part of the Strobe initiative announced in back in May, which aimed to establish an open standard for custom Flash-based media players. It includes a plug-ins API that allows for third-party advertising and reporting metrics to work alongside the standard video player features such as buffering, dynamic streaming, and video navigation.
TLF is an extensible ActionScript library that runs on top of Flash Player 10 and Adobe Air to bring rich typographic controls more sophisticated than what is available in HTML and CSS. These text layout features are the same that were shown of when Flash 10 premiered, supporting bi-directional languages, ligatures, text wrapping around inline images, or multi-column text. Examples of what can be done with this rich text library can be found in the Reader 2.0 or Boston GlobeReader applications, or on Web-book service makebook.
Both of these frameworks are designed to give developers tools to improve the value of their products, and let them create something monetizable.
"We believe these efforts will strengthen the industry and lead to the next generation of Web applications, content and video experiences," Dave McAllister, Adobe's Director of Standards and Open Source said.