Infected PC won't boot? Try Dr Web LiveCD

Antivirus and anti-malware software are essential for any computer users, but there are times when your defenses are down. You may have reinstalled your operating system or had to disable your security software for some reason. If you find that for these or other reasons your computer has become seriously infected with malware, perhaps to the point that it will not boot, Dr Web LiveCD is on hand to help you to get things back in order.
As the name suggests, this is a live CD that can be used to boot an otherwise inaccessible computer with a view to retrieving files and fixing problems. Dr Web LiveCD downloads as a disc image that needs to be burned to CD and once this disc has been created it can be used to boot into a Linux environment that can be used to remedy a range of computer problems.
A virus scanner can be run to check your computer for signs in infection, removing or quarantining any suspicious files. There are also a number of other built in applications such as a web browser and an email client that can prove useful while you continue to fix your computer. More advanced users familiar with Linux have the option of booting into a command line version of the operating system, but most people will be more comfortable using the GUI.
At the very least, the live CD gives you the opportunity to access the files you have stored on your hard drive and therefore enables you to copy them to another location to help keep them safe. Even if this is all you are able to do before you have to reinstall Windows, Dr Web LiveCD is a valuable tool, but you’re likely to find that it is much more useful than that.
You can find out more and download your free copy of the disc image by paying a visit to the Dr Web LiveCD review page.