The internet is a massive waste of time

Over the last couple of decades the internet has revolutionized how we work, how we shop, how we communicate, and how we consume media. In most regards it has made life quicker and easier, but it has also brought challenges and side-effects. Technology may have made many tasks simpler, but it has also increased distractions and shepherded in more ways to procrastinate. You've probably noticed that while you can get many things done faster than ever, you spend a great deal of time doing nothing of worth.
In fact, rather than saving money, the widespread adoption of technology could be costing business dearly. Research shows that nearly two-thirds of employees spend work hours browsing sites unrelated to work -- a surprising 3 percent of them spending more than 10 hours a week actively avoiding work online. All of these wasted man hours add up, resulting in an average cost of almost $3,000 for employee each year.
But it's not just websites that are a distraction. Research found that just 14 percent of emails are crucial to work, and 62 percent of people found that dealing with unnecessary messages was one of the down sides of using email as a means of communication. A surprising finding is that, on average, workers spend 4 hours -- or half the working day -- handling emails.
Check out the infographic below to see how technology is wasting time, as well as how it can help.
Photo credit: Filipe Frazao / Shutterstock