Tidal goes back in time as it starts to sell CDs

Music streaming service Tidal seems to be going back to the old school ways, as well as morphing into an e-commerce site as it has now started selling physical music formats (i.e. CDs).
Prince is selling his new album, HITNRUN PHASE ONE, exclusively on Tidal, both in physical format copies and through downloads on the site.
The rather unlikely move by Tidal, which is owned and controlled by rapper Jay Z and other celebrities, is a first for the streaming company and among other music streaming service providers.
It is, however, not clear whether Tidal’s move to sell CDs is a mere one-time offer to please Prince, or if it will be a long-time venture. Prior to this, the streaming company has also previously allowed musicians to include stores on the site, where artists could list merchandise such as T-shirts and posters.
Parallel to this move is an earlier statement by the musician and streaming site owner that "the Internet’s completely over".
Tidal has certainly had a rough start to its existence, with senior executives jumping ship and music professionals claiming the service will fold in less than a year.
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