Banks don't want you to share Apple Pay-enabled iPhones, iPads

Banks are warning iPhone users that if they store more than one set fingerprints on the device, they will treat them as if they had failed to keep their personal data safe. They are equalizing multiple fingerprint storing to sharing a PIN code.
Apple’s iPhone device allows up to ten fingerprints to be stored. The company designed it so to make it easier for multiple family members to use the Apple Pay service for contactless payments.
However, The Telegraph reports that banks are warning their customers about possible issues. They’re basically ridding themselves of any responsibility in the case of any possible problems when multiple fingerprints have been stored.
The terms and conditions applying to Lloyds customers read in full: "If Touch ID is available on your device, you must ensure you only register your own fingerprints (and not anyone else’s)". This basically means that the banks are telling their customers that all other fingerprints should be deleted from their device.
When asked about the wording of its Apple Pay warning, HSBC told Telegraph Money: "Our customers’ financial safety and security is of the utmost importance to us, as such we advise all our customers to keep their details as secure as possible. This means not sharing their Pin or in the case of Apple Pay not letting others access their phone".
But the bank added: "We will always endeavor to help our customers should they become a victim of fraud".
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