Amazon Prime subscribers now have free ebooks, magazines and more with Prime Reading

If you have been looking for one more reason to become an Amazon Prime subscriber, the newly launched Prime Reading feature could just be the clincher.
Prime Reading gives US subscribers access to a library of free Kindle ebooks, magazines, comics and other publications completely free of charge. At the moment Amazon is proclaiming there are "over a thousand popular books", but there is also the promise of exclusive content.
In addition to books, Prime Reading provides access to "a rotating selection of fresh, full issues of top magazines". Amazon is quick to point out that a Kindle device is not needed to access the content -- any device that can run the Kindle app will do. Greg Greeley, vice president of Amazon Prime says:
Prime is the best deal in the history of shopping and today it got even better. Prime members can now enjoy an awesome selection of books including The Hobbit, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, The Man in the High Castle, plus magazines and more with Prime Reading -- all for free on any device.
Photo credit: Hadrian / Shutterstock