As the original Windows 10 reaches end-of-service, Microsoft will start pestering you to update

It's quite some time since the launch of Windows 10 -- so long, in fact, that the original release has now reached the end of its life. Windows 10 version 1507 will no longer receive Microsoft's monthly security patches, so the company is about to start reminding hangers-on that they should update.
With so many malware attacks hitting the headlines recently, Microsoft is aiming to get as many people as possible upgraded to the latest, most secure version of Windows 10. At the moment this is Windows 10 Creators Update, but it won’t be long before Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is going to be pushed.
In a post on the Windows experience blog, Microsoft's Director of Program Management, Windows Servicing and Delivery, John Cable, says: "As a reminder, the first version of Windows 10 is at end-of-service. While you can continue to use this version and your computer will still work, you will no longer receive the monthly quality updates that contain protection from the latest security threats. To remain secure your device should be updated to the latest feature update. We will start sending a notification if your device needs to be updated to the latest feature update."
On its support pages, Microsoft explains:
If you're currently running Windows 10 version 1507, you’ll receive a notification that your device needs the latest security updates and will attempt to update your device. Windows 10 version 1507 is currently at end of service, which means devices running these operating systems will no longer receive the monthly security and quality updates that contain protection from the latest security threats. To continue receiving security and quality updates, Microsoft recommends updating to the latest version of Windows 10.
Click on Update now on the notification to update your device.
There will almost certainly be a small handful of users who have a legitimate reason for sticking with the original build of Windows 10 for so long, and it's possible that this reason will remain valid for some time to come. These users will be hoping that Microsoft's reminders don’t become too bothersome, or that there is some way to disable them.
Photo Credit: Anton Watman /