Google and Facebook to participate in net neutrality protest next week

Two of the biggest names in tech have finally added their names to a growing list of participants in a protest next week against the FCC's plans to tear up net neutrality rules.
Google and Facebook have confirmed they will take part in the July 12 protest which is known variously as the "Day of Action," the "Battle for the Net" and -- rather more wordily -- the "Internet-wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality." Precisely what form the companies' participation will take remains to be seen, but the involvement of two such big names will send a clear message to the FCC.
Facebook and Google have until now remained largely out of the net neutrality debate. However, speaking to Inverse, a Google spokesperson said: "Google will participate in next week's Day of Action on net neutrality. We've always planned to be part of it."
Similarly, Facebook confirmed to Fortune that it intends to take part, but would not give any detail about what it would actually be doing.
The two tech giants join names such as Reddit, Netflix, Amazon and Etsy in opposing FCC plans to abolish net neutrality, but it's not clear what sort of action any of them will be taking. For the most part, it involves raising awareness of what net neutrality means and why it's worth protecting. The website for the campaign says:
The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they'll allow widespread throttling, blocking, censorship, and extra fees. On July 12th, the Internet will come together to stop them.
More information about the protest can be found on the Battle for the Net website.
Image credit: Krasimira Nevenova / Shutterstock