Apple teases 'exciting' iTunes announcement for tomorrow

On Monday, the front page of changed into a full-page message that teases an "exciting announcement from iTunes" at 10am EST tomorrow, November 16.
ITunes has received a significant number of updates since version 10 of
the popular cross-platform music software debuted in September. A major addition to the newest iTunes was Ping, a social music sharing service. Last week, popular microblogging service Twitter announced it had partnered with Apple to bring iTunes to Twitter via Ping, and last Friday Apple released the 10.1 iTunes update to coincide with the launch of iOS 4.2.
In addition to iOS 4.2 support, iTunes 10.1 also includes "Airplay," or the ability to stream videos from an iTunes PC to the new Apple TV set-top box.
Since Apple acquired music streaming company Lala last year, there have been rumors that it would debut a "cloud-based iTunes," or a subscription service similar to Zune Pass sometime in the future. How Apple has used this acquisition has not yet come to light.