Microsoft takes comedic jab at VMware on day one of its big conference

Today, VMware kicked off its VMworld convention in Las Vegas, and dozens of companies have announced new products supporting VMware's various virtualization services, including Dell, Wyse, Citrix, NEC, Huawei, and Cisco, to name just a few.
In response to the convention and the support from hardware companies, Microsoft, a major competitor to VMware in the enterprise virtualization space, has released a hilarious caricature of VMware in video called "Don't get stuck in the IT past" which shows the exploits of IT salesman Tad and his company VMlimited.
Along with the video, Microsoft has created a site for the parody company VMlimited. It's a part of some highly pointed marketing campaigns which Microsoft Corporate Vice President of Corporate Communications Frank X. Shaw says are "designed to clearly highlight the customer benefit of Microsoft products/services compared to the competition."