Three tools to tame Windows 8

Users of Windows are known not only for their love of tweaking, but also for their love of knocking the product they use -- how many people who use nothing but Windows do nothing but complain about the way it looks or works? The release of a new version might be seen as a time for Microsoft to address the issues and annoyances that have plagued their customers, but for many upgraders, the switch to Windows 8 brings a new batch of things to get irritated about.
While some of the new irritants are fairly major, such as the relegation of the Start menu, other more cosmetic issues are something that can be more easily addressed through the use of third party tools. Winaero produces a collection of tools designed with tweakers in mind, specifically those who are running Windows 8. If you’re the kind of person who tires of their desktop wallpapers quickly, Desktop Background Tuner provides you with a means of customizing the rotation of a series of images to help keep things interesting.
This is a very simple tool, but gets the job done very effectively, and the same can be said of Aero8Tuner. As the name suggests, this is a tool that enables you to tweak the Aero settings that are used by Windows 8 so you can adjust the overall hue of windows as well as enable High Contrast mode if you have trouble viewing different con-screen elements.
One final tool from the same stables is Tiny Windows Borders for Windows 8, and this makes it possible to tame the size of window border which many users have found to be excessive. Just like the previous tool, this can be used without the need for installation an d it enables you make changes to registry settings without having to directly edit the registry yourself. Just use a simple slider system to reduce the size of borders, or increase it if you feel so inclined, and you’re done.
You can find out more and download free copies of these handy utilities by visiting the Desktop Background Tuner, Tiny Windows Borders for Windows 8 and Aero8Tuner review pages.