Consumers apps better made than enterprise apps

Consumer grade is the new enterprise grade, a new survey by ScaleArc says. The annual survey among IT decision makers has revealed that consumer apps seem to be much better than enterprise apps, because they’re faster, and more reliable.
"It is clear that consumer grade is the new enterprise grade", says Justin Barney, president and CEO of ScaleArc. "IT decision-makers who build enterprise apps recognize that they, and the general public, have a better experience on their personal apps than their work apps. We’ve all lost patience with websites and apps that don’t offer optimal performance".
A vast majority of respondents (78 percent) say consumer grade apps have better interfaces (56 percent), are less likely to be sluggish (32 percent), and have less downtime (31 percent).
It’s also interesting to see why these apps perform better. According to the report, their performance is better because of their greater visibility (52 percent), as well as the need to earn money (28 percent). For almost a third of respondents (31 percent), consumer apps developers attract better talent.
When enterprise software doesn’t work, most respondents switch to consumer ones. These are mostly Skype (37 percent), Dropbox (34 percent), Google Docs (34 percent), and Google Drive (34 percent). Pretty much everyone (95 percent) said they’d be "negatively impacted" by slow websites, or downtime.
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