Frenzy makes your Dropbox social

Dropbox is a handy online service that can be used to synchronize files between multiple computers, share files with others and backup important documents. Using Frenzy for Mac, it can also be transformed into a personal social networking tool that makes it easy to share files and links with friends and colleagues. The app is available as a free beta version and it is compatible with both free and paid-for Dropbox accounts.
Setting up the app is a breeze. Simply launch the software and indicate which of your Dropbox folders should be used for sharing, and the content you choose to share can only be seen by friends with Macs running Frenzy. To make it as easy as possible to share with others, keyboard shortcuts can be used to share files and web links without the need to explicitly launch an app. Once something has been shared, Frenzy returns focus to the app you were using so you can get straight back to what you were doing.
When any of your friends share content, you will be informed of it thanks to a Twitter-style timeline. Frenzy sits unobtrusively in your menu bar, and from here you can not only keep up to date with what your friends are sharing, but also post messages and comments.
There are numerous uses for Frenzy. It could be used to share work documents with colleagues for collaborative work, or to share photos with friends and family. The commenting system means that it can also be used as an instant messaging tool. The menu bar icon keeps you informed of the number of new items that you need to look at, but the app stays out of the way until it is needed.
The final version of Frenzy will be a paid for app, but the beta release will not expire and can be used completely free of charge. Find out more and download your copy of the app by paying a visit to the Frenzy review page.