Counter Strike BETA 6.5 to Draw on New Netcode

As many Counter Strike fans now know the release of Counter Strike 6.5 BETA had to be delayed
because of a bug in the netcode for the next patch for the game that Counter Strike is based on,
Half-Life. We asked Counter Strike’s 'Cliffe' to fill us in on the status of BETA 6.5.
BN: What major advancements will 6.5 have?
Cliffe: "Most importantly, it will have Valve's rewritten netcode. Those playing with a
modem or a slow connection will have a much better experience than before."
BN: Are there any key differences that will affect game play?
Cliffe: "Not really. The only major additions are a new player model and the smoke grenade.
The majority of the time was spent porting the CS code to work with Valve's new patch and SDK
BN: Can we expect any new game modes (like VIP), etc.?
Cliffe: "No, but you can expect for the gamemodes to be more balanced. We also have some new
VIP maps that should play much better than the previous 2 stock maps."
BN: When can we expect 6.5 to be done?
Cliffe: "It will be released this coming Monday."
BN: What will leave us with our jaws dropped on the ground in this release?
Cliffe: "The new netcode if you happen to be on a modem."
As to why counter Strike BETA 6.5 was delayed in the first place director of Valve Gabe
Newell told the gaming site,
"Some 56K uplinks won't handle packets greater than a certain size (<1K), and so we had to fragment them. The problem didn't show up until recently as it wasn't until other things in the engine changed that we started pushing this limit ... It was kinda obscure, but we wanted to fix it, and any time we touch the code, we have to restart the whole release process." As a treat to those disappointed with the delayed release of BETA 6.5, Counter Strike’s website featured a new player model this morning. The Guerilla Player Model can be seen above.