Giant Security Hole Found in Macromedia Flash Player

Fox News has the story concerning an independent computer expert reporting he has found a gaping security hole in your browser's Macromedia Flash Player plug-in. Being that particular plug-in, it puts a massive number of computers at risk, since most computers these days do in fact have the plug-in installed.

The plug-in is apparently susceptible to "buffer overruns", a problem Microsoft has had with its software in the past. When the software is sent too large a chunk of data, it could crash the program, unless a malicious user has other plans. A potential hacker could send a flash file that could execute a program when the overrun occurs, potentially causing serious damage to the computer in question.

Also, because of the nature of Flash, the single virus would be able to infect computers running a multitude of platforms, rather than a single target like most virii on the net.

For more information read the Fox News article.

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