Whistler Security Cracked

As many BetaNews readers have said in the past, it seems that extra security thrown into Windows Whistler has been cracked, and easily, you might add. British site The Register is reporting that sources told them the security measures are easy to get around, and should cause no problem for those who would like to have the upcoming OS without actually paying for it.

According to the article Whistler security works as follows. Code on the CD partners with a specific code generator that develops a code specific to the system configuration to create another code which is sent to Microsoft via the phone or the Web. Once MS receives that code, another code is sent back to you as the user, which is entered into the system, and the software is unlocked.

While BetaNews will not post the exact method to get around the security, we can tell you that it's not all together that difficult, if what the sources told The Register works.

John Lettice, who wrote the article, posed this interesting question at the end of his article: "So friends, is this system really intended to tackle piracy at all? Isn't it perhaps more plausible to think of the objective as being to enforce universal registration of Microsoft products with Microsoft?"

Tell us what you think, and you can read the article over at The Register if you'd like to.

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