New Security Software Thinks Like A Hacker

Web protection software maker eEye
Digital Security said today it has released Retina 3.0, a
network guard for the Microsoft Windows NT platform.

The company said in a statement that the Retina network security
scanner is the first such software application with
state-of-the-art artificial intelligence features that allow it
to think like a hacker, a trait the company described as CHAM
(Common Hacking Attack Methods). The feature lets the scanner
look for both known and unknown vulnerabilities.

According to Marc Maiffret, Chief Hacking Officer at eEye, "In
order to completely and thoroughly protect your network, the
traditional security measures such as firewalls, intrusion
detection systems and an anti-virus software are not enough to
protect you from cybercrime. Hackers and crackers already expect
those measures, and a proactive tool like Retina is needed to
provide a continuous security presence."

The company added that the Retina package includes an
auto-update feature, which provides continuous update
of its modules, allowing users to keep pace with the latest
security vulnerabilities.

Maiffret said that Retina 3.0 also includes the addition of
hundreds of new vulnerability checks and a re-write of the
scanning engine. The new version also incorporates "Fix-It"
technology, allowing for the automatic correction of common
system security issues, such as registry settings and file

The company said a free 30-day-trial of Retina is available for
download at

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