DeCSS Part 2

It seems that another team of individuals has cracked the DVD encoding that was supposed to make it impossible to copy the material onto a hard drive. Last year a team accomplished the feat and published the code, which drew massive amounts of attention and caused all sorts of legal problems for the 15-year old who did it. This time an MIT student and alum did the same thing to prove that it is not a crime to publish the code.
Robert Lemos at MSNBC reports the pair insists their efforts are to teach about copyright protection, and thus, they cannot be punished by law.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the story is that their code can descramble the DVD on the fly, as it is only seven lines of code. While the movie appears choppy, the report says, it still signifies a great leap in the DVD copying arena. It was done during a seminar about the Digital Millenium Copyright Act to prove how trivial it was.
For the rest of the story visit here.