FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE Now Available

The BSDi supported FreeBSD Project has announced the availability of 4.3-RELEASE, the first since November of last year. Many security issues were corrected, as well as a myriad of bug fixes and updates made. FreeBSD is a very popular UNIX operating system based on 4.4BSD. Built around advanced networking, performance, security, and compatibility, FreeBSD is one of the best and most economical choice for any server - including the ones powering BetaNews.

FreeBSD also supports some of the latest desktop functionality, running thousands of applications available in ports. You can download the latest ISO images for free via FileForum, or read the installation guide. If you have never tried FreeBSD, the setup is a lot less complicated than it seems and you will definitely learn a lot, so create a new partition and give it a whirl. For more information, read the 4.3-RELEASE announcement and peruse the release notes.

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