VisionTek GeForce3 Hits Store Shelves

The long awaited debut of the GeForce3 for the PC has arrived on store shelves, with VisionTek shipping their GeForce3 card starting this past Friday to major retailers, including Electronics Boutique, CompUSA, Best Buy among others.

The GeForce3 chipset from NVIDIA brings the power of the nfiniteFX Engine, Lightspeed Memory Architecture, High-Resolution Antialiasing (HRAA), along with a High-Definition Video Processor (HDVP) and other standard high-end
card goodies such as TV-out. All of which allow the card to reach levels of performance that will make anyone from hard-core gamer, to grandmother drool at the visual effects. The card packs in 64MB of DDR SDRAM, which through the use of the Lightspeed Memory Architecture of the card, is capable of reaching an astonishing 7.36GB per second.

The VisionTek GeForce3 can be found on for $355 USD and up (minus shipping and potential tax), or may be picked up at your local EB for $399 USD. NVIDIA is expected to launch its lower-cost NV17 chipset, or 'GeForce3 MX', at the beginning of summer for under $150 USD.

BetaNews would like to know how you think the third-generation GeForce stacks up, post your findings below.

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