Beta Test a Next Generation ADSL IAD

3Com Beta Test Services is looking for qualified ADSL participants to a test a next generation ADSL IAD with VoDSL capabilities (this is not the PSTN splitter that is included in some ADSL systems). 3Com asks all applicants to "include in the comments section, that you want to test this product, your service provider's name and address, which DSLAM they are using to supply your
service, and which VoDSL Gateway your service provider supports. If you do not know this information, please find out from your service provider, or you will not be considered."
Qualified applicants should be able to meet the following criteria:
- Resident of the United States or Canada.
- Speak, read, write, and understand the English language
- ADSL service with VoDSL.
- PC with Ethernet interface.
- Ability to test VoDSL (Voice over DSL)
- Ability to test DHCP, NAT/PAT, PPPoE, PPPoA.
- Ability to test VPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPSEC, and others.
- Familiar with Telnet.
- Agree to the mandatory test criteria, listed on the website.
To apply, visit, complete an application and select 'ADSL IAD'.