Microsoft Gears Up Windows 2000 SP3 Beta
Screening has begun for testers who wish to participate in the developmental phase of the latest service pack for Windows 2000. As per the usual, key areas being focused on by the sustained development team are setup, application compatibility, operating system reliability, and numerous security issues. There are no plans to incorporate new features into Windows, as this is solely a maintenance release. The soon to be released update marks the third installment of a service pack since Windows 2000 went gold in December of 1999.
A temporary guest account has been established at Microsoft's Beta Place, allowing access to a short survey that will be used in the nomination process. The test includes all versions of Windows 2000. According to Microsoft, "SP3 is slated for release the first half of 2002."
To learn more about Windows 2000 SP3, review the Beta Invitation Survey and enter the following guest account information:
Beta ID: Win2000SP3
Password: SP3Beta