Novell Completes Client for Windows XP

The beta cycle for the Windows XP edition of Novell's Client software has drawn to a close. Novell claims that its latest release represents the fastest, most reliable and best tested client for Windows, with in excess of 26,000 workstations tested. The release allows Windows XP users to utilize Novell Directory Services provided by servers running Novell software.
According to Novell, "The 32-bit Novell Client product brings the full power, ease of use, manageability, and security of NDS to Windows XP workstations. Novell Client for Windows XP fully supports NetWare and NDS services and utilities on a Windows XP workstation, including integrated messaging, multiprotocol support, management, security, and file and print services."
Although adoption of Windows XP is expected to be slow for business use, the announcement is important to Novell's tit for tat battle with Microsoft for control of the enterprise market. With the release of NetWare 6, Novell has set its sights directly on Redmond. Included in the new release is eDirectory - an enhanced version of NDS that supports multi-platform networks, including Linux and Windows.
Novell is so proud of its new open environment that it has set up a Web site devoted to proving that Microsoft is lying to customers about its software named 'Why They Lie'. "Every time we raise the bar, you-know-who stoops to a new level," the site reads. Novell has even provided a forum for users to rant about the software giant. The author of the best rant will be chosen on January 11, and awarded a Compaq iPAQ - running Microsoft's Windows CE software.
Novell users can download the latest Client for Windows XP at A Readme is also available to facilitate installation and administration of Windows XP Group Policies.