Partners Test Windows Server 2003 SP1
Microsoft has provided partners with an early glimpse of the first official service release for its flagship Windows 2003 Server. It is a closed test and thus no public feedback is being solicited at this time, the company says.
In an e-mail to beta testers, the Microsoft server team wrote, "We are pleased to announce Windows Server 2003 Service Pack IDS build 1039-2 is now available for download at This build is provided for partner evaluation only. This is NOT a preview of the Beta."
When asked for comment, a company spokesperson told BetaNews, "That's all the information Microsoft has to provide at this time."
To usher in these fixes, Microsoft has recently endeavored to improve its patching process by gearing up aligned beta programs for Windows Installer 3.0, and Software Update Services.
Along with changes to Windows Update, these test programs work in concert to keep all products ranging from Windows, Office, SQL Server and Exchange up to date.
Windows 2003 customers will encounter changes marked for their sustained development support policy. Due to customer response, Microsoft announced revisions to its current service pack policy last October. The company will now support the immediately preceding service pack for up to 12 months after a new service pack is issued.
Patches to address several high profile security holes, including the Blaster Internet worm and an unchecked buffer in DirectX, are set to be included in the first service pack for Windows 2003.
A final release of the Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 is expected in the first quarter of 2004 to address security fixes and issues discovered by customers or by Microsoft's internal testing team. On the Windows client side, Windows XP Service Pack 2 is expected to arrive as late as Q3 of next year.