Wii Widens Lead Over PS3 in Japan

Sony's PlayStation 3 continues to fall further behind in Japan, data from Japanese gaming magazine publisher Enterbrain indicates. In June, the Nintendo Wii outsold the console by a six-to-one margin, a clear indication that Sony is having serious difficulty in convincing consumers that the PS3 is worth its high price tag.
This follows news in April that the PS3 was being outsold by a four-to-one margin, and a five-to-one margin in May. Even Microsoft's Xbox 360, for the most part a failure in the Japanese market, is being outsold by only a 2 to 1 margin against the PS3. Nintendo's success with the Wii, along with the strength of the DS platform, have propelled the company past Sony in market capitalization value and have made it one the country's top ten companies.