iPhone Leading US Smartphone in July

Apple's iPhone led all other phones in its class during the month of July, a report from iSuppli indicates.
1.8 percent of all phones sold in the United States during the month were Apple's, which is the highest of any smartphone and equal to the sales of the LG Chocolate, the leading feature phone. iSuppli categorizes the iPhone as a "crossover" phone, because it has aspects of both categories.
Most of those who purchased the phone in July were male, 35 years of age or younger and were college educated. A quarter of those buying the phone switched to AT&T as a result, iSuppli found.
"It's likely that the speed of the iPhone's rise to competitive dominance in its segment
is unprecedented in the history of the mobile-handset market," the research firm said, adding the hype preceding the device was unlike any other phone, and probably has contributed to its success.
However, it warned that real proof of the iPhone's staying power would come in the not too distant future as demand stabilizes. Even so, iSuppli continues to believe that Apple will sell 4.5 million iPhones during the year, and 30 million by 2011.