TiVo 9.3 software update to speed up the DVR's interface

TiVo will roll out a new software update to all subscribers in the next few weeks, which promises to remedy a common complaint among TiVo users since the service launched over eight years ago: speed.
TiVo software version 9.3 will significantly speed up nearly all of the common tasks that customers do with a TiVo. No longer will the DVR pause for nearly a minute while it reorders Season Pass priorities or stall for half a minute when a Season Pass is created. Users will see between 10 and 30 second speed improvements in these areas.
In addition, the interface will feel crisper, with TiVo Central (the default dashboard that pops up after you press the TiVo button on the remote) loading 1 second faster. Scrolling through the Now Playing list of recordings and changing the channel will also now be around 1 second faster.
Confirming a recording will be between 3 and 5 seconds faster in version 9.3 compared to 9.2.
It appears TiVo will not be introducing any new features into 9.3, such as the XMPP (Jabber) protocol that will eventually allow the company to push scheduled recordings and video downloads directly to customers' DVRs. However, some unspecified fixes have been made with regards to CableCARD support.
Like it does with all of its software updates, TiVo has posted a priority page on its Web site (Series2 only) for subscribers to sign up for 9.3 ahead of its standard rollout. An exact date for the release has not been specified, but it should arrive before the end of the month.