Netflix service on TiVo Series3 goes live

This morning, the Netflix service was officially made available to users of TiVo Series3, and TiVo HD XL users with the updated software and an existing Netflix subscription.
On Friday, the TiVo 11.0 software began to roll out, but other than a slight rearrangement on the main menu and the "11.0" insignia, there was little to speak of in the update. However, this meant that the updated boxes were primed for the Netflix On Demand service, which was announced at the end of October.
Now, through the DVR's interface, users can watch the movies and TV shows in the instant queue they have assembled through Netflix's site.
"With so much talk focusing on the economy these days," said Tara Maitra, General Manager and Vice President of Content Services at TiVo Inc, "this partnership makes more sense than ever because it brings people more movies at home."
TiVo's addition of Netflix On Demand follows Microsoft's Xbox 360, which received support for the service under a month ago when it unveiled an updated interface. It also comes after the DVR service company added a host of new functions, such as the ability to order Domino's Pizza, CinemaNow and Jaman on-demand content, and the upcoming ability to control TiVo with a BlackBerry.