invites beta testers to a live Inauguration Day event

If you've been considering or planning an interactive party with a few million of your closest friends to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden next Tuesday, has an idea for a way you can use that time as a productive beta tester. On January 20, the interactive division of the news network will be partnering with Facebook in a worldwide test of a video delivery and sharing service.
Here's the details as presented them to Betanews this afternoon:
To be a part of this historic event we need you to:
1. Be in front of your computer during the inauguration
2. Answer some questions about your experiences with the product
3. Send in your feedback - it's that easy!
To participate go to and complete the brief questionnaire by midnight ET Saturday, January 17, 2009. We will confirm your selected participation time via email. If you are among the first 50 people to respond you will be eligible to receive a FREE T-shirt!