Comparing cameras: iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S

Avoiding the lines of dozens upon dozens who showed up at Apple Stores early this morning, our server engineer Eric Steil pre-ordered his new iPhone 3G S. It arrived at 9:54 am EDT -- early enough today for Eric to catch a few rays of fleeting sunlight on this otherwise dreadfully wet day in the northeast, and capture some test images from the backyard and around the house at just before noon.
Click the cat for more iPhone 3G vs 3G S comparison shots.
What you're seeing in this photo album are moment-to-moment comparisons (for as long as the cat could hold still) of photographs taken using Eric's original iPhone 3G (with its fixed focus lens and 2 Mp resolution) and his new iPhone 3G S (with 3 Mp, auto-focus, and auto-macro). In some cases, the differences are literally striking, especially as the 3G S camera now seems to do automatic white-balancing with each tap-to-focus.