Tweet this: Trillian for Mac improves Twitter support

It used to be that there were numerous chat clients to choose from -- the likes of AIM, MSN and Yahoo! -- but nowadays there are also social networks to consider. Trillian has always been a great tool for anyone who wants to keep in touch with friends that are using different chat networks, and support for this likes of Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and more has been added as the app has developed over time.
This latest update not only fixes a number of known problems, but also improves the app’s support for Twitter. The Twitter engine has received an overhaul so there is now support for native retweeting as well as the userstream.
But the bulk of changes are focused on bug fixing. The list of problems that have been addressed include issues with the GUI, problems with the autohide feature and a memory leak has also been fixed. Added features include a new offline mode, the ability to disable automatic login and better image previews.
The changelog notes that group chat integration is still incomplete, and the same is true of support for Skype. The same blog post also makes reference to a faster release schedule for the Mac version of the software so, as we have become used to with browser updates, it may well not be long until the next version of the app is unveiled.
Trillian juts goes to show that the days of needing to have multiple chat clients installed are long gone, and ever-improving support for social networks means that the app is being transformed into a one-stop shop for all of your online communication needs. Skype support would really be the icing on the cake, but we’ll have to wait for another update for this to see the light of day.
You can find out more and download a free copy of the app by paying a visit to the Trillian for Mac review page.