Developers, developers, developers! Mozilla announces Firefox OS App Days

Firefox OS is coming this year and we have already seen some early previews. In order to hit the ground running these days any operating system, be it desktop or mobile, needs a healthy app ecosystem. To that end, Mozilla today announced "App Days", a series of events around the world that are designed to get developers excited and moving for this upcoming release.
In the announcement, Mozilla's Mark Coggins explains that at "each App Day event, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, hack and celebrate Firefox OS, Mozilla’s open source operating system for the mobile web. Technologists and developers from Mozilla will present tools and technology built to extend and support the Web platform, including mobile Web APIs to access device hardware features such as the accelerometer".
For many developers getting started should not be too difficult, as much of the work can be handled by HTML5, which is where the web has been moving recently anyway. In fact, Mozilla tells us that existing HTML5 apps can be "optimized" for Firefox OS.
The events will generally run from 8:30 am to 7 pm local time and take place in such diverse locations as the United States, Greece, Romania, Taiwan, Kenya and many more. A complete list of locations, along with sign-up details, can be found on the Wiki page Mozilla has created for the events. Most will take place between January 19th and February 2nd.
This is a great free opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a brand new mobile OS, which will be geared towards the lower-cost range smartphone market and is expected to be released worldwide, although gradually.
Photo Credit: nmedia/Shutterstock